How toAdd New Supplier

Diana Zein

Last Update a month ago

Adding a new supplier to your system is an important step in managing your business relationships and ensuring smooth operations. Here’s a simple guide on how to create a new supplier:

  1. Start by Choosing Suppliers
    Navigate to the Suppliers section in your system and click on the option labeled "New Supplier."

  2. Enter Supplier Contact Information
    Provide the contact details for the supplier. This includes their name, mobile number, email address, and status (whether the supplier is active or inactive).

  3. Add Supplier’s Address
    Input the supplier's complete address. Make sure to include the city, postal code, and country.

  4. Fill in the Company Information
    Enter the details of the supplier’s company, including the company name, registration number, and the full address of the company.

  5. Finalize the Entry
    Once you have completed all the required fields, click “Create” to save the supplier information. If you want to add another supplier, you can click “Create & Add Another” to continue the process.

This guide will help you systematically add new suppliers to your system, ensuring that all necessary information is recorded accurately.

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