Managing Your Account Settings

Siti Nurhikmah

Last Update 6 bulan yang lalu

In your account settings, there are a few things you can control. You can handle your personal information, change your password, manage notifications, and connect with other services. Let's dive deeper into each of these elements and how you can adjust them.

Personal Information

This section allows you to manage your personal details associated with your account. You can update information such as your name, email address, phone number, identification or passport number, and full address. Additionally, you have the option to enable an extra layer of security known as two-factor authentication via email.


In this section, you can effortlessly update your password to ensure the security of your account.


In this section, you can tailor your notification preferences to receive updates on various activities, such as order statuses, customer statuses, and newsletters.


Within integrations, you can seamlessly connect your Sfera account with your Google Calendar, enhancing the efficiency of both platforms. 

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