FAQ: Customer Relationship Management

Siti Nurhikmah

Last Update 9 μήνες πριν

1. What is Sfera and how does it help manage customer records?

Sfera is a platform that consolidates customer records into one accessible location. It automatically categorizes customers into groups such as New, Paid, Loyal, and Churn based on their booking activities.

2. How does Sfera classify customers into different groups?

Sfera classifies customers based on their booking activities: new customers have signed up but haven't completed a booking, paid customers have completed at least one booking, loyal customers have completed a certain number of bookings within a specified time frame, and churn customers have not completed any bookings within a specific period.

3. Can I customize the criteria for customer classification in Sfera?

Yes, you can configure the criteria for customer classification in Sfera. This can be done in the Settings menu under Organisation > Marketing > Customer Status Automated Classification.

4. Where can I access and manage my customers' data in Sfera?

You can access and manage your customers' data under the Marketing tab in the Customers section of Sfera.

5. What information can I view about my customers in the list view?

In the list view, you can see your customers categorized by their classification (new, paid, loyal, or churn). You can search for customers by name or filter them by date joined, email, or phone number.

6. How does managing customers in Sfera help with decision-making?

Managing customers in Sfera helps in decision-making by providing insights into customer behavior. For example, it enables you to identify loyal customers for rewards or encourage churned customers to return using promotional codes.

7. How can I create or edit a customer record in Sfera?

You can create a new customer record by clicking on the "New" button, or edit an existing record by clicking on the "Edit" button. Here, you can update customer information, view their booking history, referrals, order reviews, and staff reviews, as well as add notes and documents related to the customer.

8. What are some practical uses of customer notes and documents in Sfera?

Customer notes and documents in Sfera can be used to track interactions, preferences, or special requests. They provide a centralized location for important information that can be accessed by team members to personalize customer experiences and improve service quality.

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