Navigating the Booking Process

Siti Nurhikmah

Last Update 4 bulan yang lalu

  1. On your profile page
  2. Click Continue Booking to proceed.
  3. Add a service and click Add button. Click on the primary button below.
  4. You will see summary of your selection. Click Select Provider to continue.
  5. Select i’m okay with any provider (staff) or select your preferred provider (staff). Click Next to continue.
  6. Select your preferred date and available time slot will be displayed below the date picker. Select the time and click Next to continue.
  7. You will see summary of your selection. You may leave a note and enter promo code if you have any. Click Next to continue.
  8. Review your booking information and Click Send Your Booking to submit your booking.
  9. Click Check Booking Status to view booking details page.

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