What are Products and How to Add New Products?

Siti Nurhikmah

Last Update 2 maanden geleden

The "Products" feature in SferaAI provides information about the items you sell to your customers.

How to Add a New Product?
  1. Select Products: Click on "New Product" to start adding a new item.

  2. Enter Product Name: Type in the name of your product.

  3. Choose a Category: Select a category for your product. If you need a new category, click the (+) sign, then enter the name and description for the new category.

  4. Add a Description and Photo: Provide a description of the product and upload an image of it.

  5. Set Product Status: Choose the status of the product, either "Active" if it's available or "Inactive" if it's not.

  6. Publish Options: Decide whether to publish the product now or keep it unpublished.

  7. Set the Price: Enter the price of the product, either as the actual price or an estimated price.

  8. Input Special Pricing: Fill in the price amount or any special promotional price if applicable.

  9. Name the Price Type: Enter the name of the pricing type.

  10. Specify Dimensions and Weight: Choose the dimensions and weight of the product.

  11. Manage Stock: Set the available stock for the product. You can also set a low stock threshold and enable notifications to get alerts when stock levels are low.

  12. Finalize: Click "Create" to save the product, or "Create and Create Another" to add additional products.

How to Distribute Products in the Store
This guide will help you distribute products in your store easily. Follow these steps to add and distribute products so that customers can purchase them.
  1. Open the Location Menu: Go to the Organisation section and open the Location menu.

  2. Edit a Location: Click on the location where you want to add products and select the edit option.

  3. Choose Product Stocks: Scroll down the page and find the Product Stocks section.

  4. Add a New Product: Click the New Product button. Select the type of product you want to add and enter the quantity. Then, click Create.

By following these steps, your products will be distributed in the store and available for customers to buy.

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